One element of the partnership admissions process, particularly if you are a lateral candidate, is verbal and numerical reasoning tests. These are normally nothing to be feared. If you haven’t done any verbal or numerical reasoning tests for a fair few years, these can become a very stressful part of the whole partnership admissions process. In this article, we share some tips based on a recent client’s experience of doing verbal and numerical reasoning tests on how to pass them without stress.

1. Relax – you are bright and able

Remember that to get to the top of the professions normally means that you are pretty astute and bright. You are perfectly able to fly through these tests.

2. Do some practice tests but cut down the time you have to do them

As with all these things, practice makes perfect. Your firm or prospective firm should be able to point you in the direction of  some practice tests. When you do these practice tests cut down the amount of time you have to do them. This will raise the stakes whilst you are doing the practice tests. Then when it comes to the actual test you will find it far easier and less stressful because you have more time to do them.

3. Decide when and where you will take the test

Very often tests are delivered and administered online. This means you can do them anywhere there is an internet. Normally they are to be completed at a time which is convenient for you. I think the days of having to be in a room to complete psychometric tests are probably numbered now. Therefore, decide on the best time of day for you to take them. Are you more alert in the morning? Or in the evening? When can you get peace and quiet to concentrate? You may need to request that the normally noisy occupents and neighbours give you a window where they wouldn’t disturb you with their noise.

4. Read the questions carefully

Before you start doing the test check carefully how it will be administered. How many answers do you need to give to a question? Can you go back to any question you haven’t answered? As well as how the test will be administered do take your time to properly read the question. With these types of tests the devil is always in the detail.

In summary

As with all these things, the more you practice and the more you gain confidence at these tests, the easier they will become. You may find these books with practice questions useful to help you refresh:

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