Find out how ready you really are to make partner in your firm

Take our FREE Partnership Readiness Assessment to understand where to focus your development.

We’ll send you a personalised report with feedback tailored to your specific needs. It will take you 10-15 mins to complete.

Your Partnership Readiness Assessment will show you how ready you are for partnership and which of the 12 indicators you need to work on to make it!

The Partnership Readiness Assessment is featured in the bestselling book Poised For Partnership, by Heather Townsend. 

There’s so much to think about and work on when you’re ambitious to make partner. To make sure you are working on the right things, we’ve developed a fantastic online assessment to profile exactly where you should be prioritising your efforts to progress your career to partner.

The Assessment is based on our experiences of helping hundreds of accountants, lawyers and consultants go all the way to Partner. It takes around 10-15 minutes to complete so set aside some time before you get started! This a formal assessment which will prompt reflection and focused action.

When you complete the Partnership Readiness Assessment, you’ll receive your personalised Partnership Readiness Traffic Light Report by email. The report breakdowns your current performance against the 12 key indicators. It then gives you personalised suggestions on what to prioritise first for the maximum impact. What are you waiting for?

  • Rate yourself!
    Answer 71 questions to discover how well you perform against the 12 key indicators which make up your Partnership Readiness Score
  • 10-15 minutes to complete
    100% free and takes between 10 – 15 minutes to complete
  • Free Downloadable E-Book copy of Poised for Partnership
    Everyone who completes the test will get a free electronic copy of Poised For Partnership, worth £5!

Your likelihood to progressing your career from manager/associate to Partner is dependent on how well you match up against the 12 key indicators.

To be in with the best chance of making partner you need to score highly on all 12 key indicators.

What are the 12 Key Indicators that show you’re ready to make Partner in your firm?

Business Development Habit

Do you routinely do a bit of business development each day?


Do you know what really makes you tick and what you stand for?

Personal Case

Do you match up against the criteria required for partners in your firm?

Support Team

Do you have the right support team in place to help you go all the way?


Do you have the right people to delegate to so you can free yourself up to focus on partner type duties?

Go-to Expert

Are you widely known and seen as an expert in what you do? Does work come directly to you?

Referral Network

Have you built referral networks to supply you with enough of the right type of work?


Do you have the right mindset to transition from senior employee to business owner?

Career Plan

Do you have a career plan guiding you to do the right things at the right time?

Member of the Club

Do your partners trust you to deliver and have you as your business partner?

Business Case

Are you implementing a robust business plan to help you grow the profits of your firm?

Partner Admission Process

Have you prepared for each element of the process? Can you succinctly pitch your business case?

“I am now a Partner in EQ Accountants LLP, a large independent firm of Chartered Accountants, Tax and Business Advisers, and I still refer to the ‘career plan’ and various other resources provided by Heather and her team.

The How to Make Partner / Progress to Partner programme was an invaluable resource as I made the transition from employee to Partner.

I would highly recommend Heather and her team for professional development that demystifies the journey as you Progress to Partner, allowing you to focus your efforts in growing the size of your firm.”

Gordon Buist – EQ Chartered Accountants

“I found the assessment really helpful as it gave me a lot of pointers as to how to go about getting the necessary skills to become a partner”

Assistant Manager – KPMG

Make time for the Partnership Readiness Assessment

The questions used in this test have guided 100s of people successfully to make Partner in their Accountancy, Legal and Consultancy firm. It has been designed to help you reflect and prioritise what areas to address first. Our executive coaches often use this assessment to start working with their clients who are keen to make it to partner.

Take the free Partnership Readiness Assessment to find out how ready you are to make partner and what you need to work on to get there.

Learning & Development professional? Talk to us about using the Partnership Readiness Assessment within your firm to help your high potential managers and senior managers to develop and improve to progress their career to partner

Subscribe to Progress to Partner to take control of your career & start working through our self-study courses, videos and guides

Discover the areas you need to focus on to increase your chances of making Partner

The questions used in this test have guided 100s of people successfully to make Partner in their Accountancy, Legal and Consultancy firm. It has been designed to help you reflect and prioritise what areas to address first.

Our executive coaches often use this assessment to start working with their clients who are keen to make it to partner.