• 5 career resolutions everyone should make (and how to stick to them)

    5 career resolutions everyone should make (and how to stick to them)

    The start of a new year provides us with the perfect opportunity to set new goals and aspirations. Professionally speaking, setting career resolutions (and sticking to them) can increase focus, improve time management and boost productivity. Yet, despite our best intentions (and all of the notable benefits), it’s not uncommon for these resolutions to fall…


  • How to Thrive in a Male-Dominated Environment

    How to Thrive in a Male-Dominated Environment

    Navigating the political landscape of a predominantly male firm is no mean feat. For many women, this setting can magnify their insecurities and even cause imposter syndrome. So how do you succeed in a male-dominated environment? Throughout this article, we will discuss how to thrive in a male-dominated space by leveraging your unique perspective and…


  • What needs to go in the 12-month marketing plan for your business case for partner

    What needs to go in the 12-month marketing plan for your business case for partner

    A key component of a partnership business case is the 12-month marketing and business development plan. This is where you set out exactly what you will do, in terms of marketing and business development, to achieve the promise of your partnership business case.  Here’s what you should include in the 12-month marketing and business development…


  • How to Succeed Quickly in Your New Role

    How to Succeed Quickly in Your New Role

    Joining a new firm is an exciting prospect. However, the pressure to prove your worth can be incredibly overwhelming. So, to help you put your best foot forward, we’re sharing our advice on how to succeed quickly in your new role! From exiting your current firm to establishing boundaries at your new one, we will…


  • Should I Stay or Should I Go? How to Decide Whether to Find a New Job

    Should I Stay or Should I Go? How to Decide Whether to Find a New Job

    There will be times throughout your career when you ask yourself, “should I look for a new job?”. It may be because you’re feeling overworked and undervalued. Or perhaps your firm doesn’t have the time or resources to support your personal development. The truth is, there is a myriad of reasons why you may consider…


  • How to Make the Move From Industry Into Practice

    How to Make the Move From Industry Into Practice

    It’s not uncommon for individuals in industry to want to realign their goals and aim for partnership. However, if you want to successfully facilitate this career change, you must first consider a) if this is the right decision for you and b) how you intend to transition from industry to practice. Throughout this article, we…


  • How to ask for and get a decent pay rise

    How to ask for and get a decent pay rise

    Let’s face it – salary is a sensitive subject. However, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t talk about it. After all, if you don’t ask, you don’t get. So, with that in mind, we’re sharing our best advice on how to ask for a pay rise. By the end of this article, you will know how…


  • What to prioritise in your first 3 months as Partner

    What to prioritise in your first 3 months as Partner

    After years of hard work and dedication, you’ve finally reached the mountain top – you’ve been named partner. However, the trouble with achieving these huge career goals is that we often don’t know what to do next. You see, once the celebrations come to a close, many people begin to notice their anxieties creeping in,…


  • New partner buy-in: Everything you need to know

    New partner buy-in: Everything you need to know

    A milestone of making partner is paying the new partner buy-in fee. However, with such a huge sum of money, this can be quite a nerve-wracking step (especially since it may require you to take out a mortgage-sized loan *gulp*). To help ease any worries when it comes to the buy-in process, here is everything…