Business person on a graph, representing success and growth

Whether you are trying to come to the notice of your managing partner, or make a positive impact at a networking event, your first hurdle is to help others remember your name. After all, it’s up to the other person to memorise your name, using whatever technique works for them. I’m not sure about you, but being a little bit of a control freak, I don’t like leaving this sort of thing to chance. I, like most people hate it when people get my name wrong. However, bad your memory is, there is no excuse for doing what one person in my network does. Every year, post christmas he sends me a note via LinkedIn, and starts it ‘dear Helen’. D’oh! This is a great tip given to me recently by Nick Jessett on how to help people remember your name. [sc name=NetworkingPlan] When you introduce yourself, say your first name, pause slightly, and then say your first and second name. For example:

My name is Heather…. Heather Townsend

The fact that the other person gets to hear your name twice, significantly increases the chances of them remembering your name. If your name is slightly unusual, or from a non-UK culture or background, a way to help people remember your name, is to give them an easy way to say it. For example:

My name is Heather…. Heather Townsend… it rhymes with …. or sounds like …. or use my nick name …

Even if your name is quintessentially English, remember you may meet people who struggle with English names and pronunciation. For example, I was picked up by a chauffeur at Paris’ ‘Gare Du Nord’ station for an international speaking gig. The chauffeur was very bemused why my name was ‘Heater’… (The French don’t have the ‘th’ sound in their language). What tips do you have for helping people remember your name? [sc name=NetworkingPlan]

Author Credit: HEATHER 75x75Written by Heather Townsend. I help professionals become the ‘Go To Expert’. I am the co-author of ‘How to make partner and still have a life‘ and the author of the award-winning and bestselling book on Networking, ‘The FT Guide To Business Networking‘. To find out whether I can help you, have a look at “our services” Connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter

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