City Work

Professional service firms, especially law firms, accountancy firms and the Big 4, are all very competitive places. After all, these firms hire very bright talented people. It is not a surprise that the people around you are very ambitious for their career. This ambition may or may not include helping you further your career. This blog post is a collection of articles which will help you get promoted ahead of your peers to a manager or associate grade in your law, accountancy or consulting firm.

How to quickly excel to get promoted from audit supervisor to manager

This article sums up the advice I gave to an auditor who wanted to excel and move up the ladder quickly, and get from supervisor to manager this year. Sometimes the supervisor role outside of audit has a different title such as ‘senior associate’ (PwC Corporate Finance), or ‘senior consultant’ (EY IT Audit). Click here to read more

5 key ingredients needed if you are to be seen as ‘partnership potential’

For some people, the route to partnership is a hard slog. (In fact, probably for most people.) However, there are often a few number of people who seem to be given extra help and all the right assignments and experiences to make it to partner. These select few are often tagged by partners as ‘partnership potential’; meaning they may be given extra help, whether formally or informally, to make it to partner. In this blog post, I will explore what does it mean to be ‘partnership potential’ and how you too can be seen as partnership potential by your firm’s partners. Click here to read more

4 simple ways junior auditors can outshine their peers to get the promotion

I gave this advice to an audit trainee who wanted to get promoted ahead of his peers.

How to build your reputation as ‘one to watch’ right from the early days in your firm

In this post, I explore more the concept of partnership potential, by looking at how the reputation you develop for yourself drives the likelihood of you becoming seen as partnership potential. The advice in this blog post will help progress your career at not only the Magic Circle firms (A&O, Freshfields, Linklaters, Clifford Chance, Slaughter and May), but also the Big 4 and mid-tier firms. Click here to read more

7 things which will slowly but steadily kill your career in professional services

An old post of Dr. Travis Bradberry popped up on my timeline recently. It was entitled 9 things which will kill your career. It is definitely worth a read in my opinion. It made me think about what will slowly but surely kill your career in professional services. How much of these will match up with Dr Travis Bradberry list. Here are my thoughts on what will kill your career in professional services. Click here to read more

4 very unusual tips to help you use your performance appraisal to get what you want and need from your firm

Your performance review or appraisal is a great time to talk to your counselling or line manager about how you want to progress your career in your firm. This article gives you tried and tested tips to get the most out of your appraisal. Click here to read more.

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