Here is a review of ‘How to make partner and still have a life’, by Craig Wright National Head of Risk & Advisory Services at BDO LLP, which first appeared in AccountingWeb. I remember when I first became a partner in an accountancy firm. Books like this didn’t exist.

There were constant questions I had which initially went unanswered, such as how does partnership work? How will I be remunerated? What is expected of me? Who is there to support me? These questions did eventually get answered but not until after I was in the ‘tent’.

How to make partner and still have a life is an excellent source of advice for the would-be partner and addresses all of these points upfront. I am sure therefore that if I was going through the process today then I would be much better informed as I was then.

But this book is not just for anyone wishing to make partner. As an existing partner I have got much from it myself. I started to read it late one evening after a very long day in the office. It was my hope that, having read the book, I would be able to double my fee base while at the same time working three days a week.

An unrealistic expectation of course, however, it has helped me to get more out of my day and has also given me some great tips around diary management, networking and leadership.

In summary, don’t let the title put you off if you are already a partner as this is a must read for anyone in partnership. I have to give the book a huge ‘thumbs up’ as it works for me. How else can I explain having the time to write a book review?

Thanks Craig! Buy your copy of ‘How to make partner and still have a life’ at Amazon

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