Setting Boundaries & Expectations

Join the Workshop and you’ll take away:
- the confidence that you now know when, what and how to delegate work to juniors
- how to set expectations about your work standards and quality to more junior staff regardless of whether they report directly to you.
- how to gracefully but firmly manage interruptions from clients, colleagues and the partners
- how to tell partners and managers the sort of work you are interested in doing so you don’t get boxed-in to boring and repetitive tasks
- how to say no to clients and partners without it being a career limiting move
- how to educate clients to get you the information when you need it/on time
- how to use a default diary and time-blocking to make sure firstly that the important stuff gets done and secondly so that your time is protected and you can’t be delegated work so easily
We are running this LIVE, three times on the same day so that you will be able to come along at the time that works best for you, wherever you are in the world.
We have an Earlybird offer if you book before 5 December you can attend for just £75+VAT (from 6 December this will increase to £99+VAT)
If you’re a Premium Progress to Partner subscriber, remember you can register without charge on your Progress to Partner membership Dashboard
Find out more about which of our membership levels is right for you in our Progress to Partner Academy here