How to find the time for business development

It’s too hard! I don’t know where to start! How to find the time for business development? I’m a good technician…I won’t do it. Sound familiar?

If I am honest, the biggest thing that holds so many great lawyers, accountants and consultants from progressing their career is knowing how to find the time for business development.

So much so that I regularly write, speak and train on this one topic. Literally. By way of example, here is a snippet from my Facebook Live 30 Day Challenge where I spoke about “How to make time for business development”

In this recording I talk about the importance of the 5Ps. The first P is “Plan”. But the real secret is most people don’t have a plan. They may have written out a document and put it in their desk drawer… and then never look at it again.

Take a step forwards to working on your own career development and sign up to my weekly tips here and you’ll find out what you need to be working on in your career development (and how to make the time for your career development) to progress your career in your firm.

A real business development plan is written down – not something in your head – and then used every single week to focus your business development actions going forward. The first P – plan – is almost always the missing ingredient. And the reason so many lawyers, accountants and consultants want to know how to find the time for business development.

It’s time to stop putting business development activities into your “too hard” box and ignoring it.  If you can’t show you are making time for business development and winning new work for the firm, you won’t stand out when it comes to promotion or pay rise time. In fact, you’ll see your peers who are much weaker technically than you, but can talk a good story, getting the promotion rather than you. Is that what you want?

I created the Progress to Partner  with There are guides, 14 self-study courses, useful videos, workbooks waiting for you – everything you need to know about how to make partner all in one place! There’s even a course on “how to delegate like a pro” – check it out here!

Premium members also unlock access to our self-study courses including The Go-To Expert, Creating A Cast-Iron Business Case for Partner, How to Delegate Like a Pro, How to Lead & Manage a Team and How To Be On Your A-Game Every Day. Join as a Premium member today  and login to your Dashboard to get started.

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