Progress to Partner Academy is for you if you work in a professional service firm with all of the specific challenges that brings.

If you need to learn:
How to act and think more commercially
How to build a team that works well together
How to come out of the shadow of the partners
How to delegate effectively to more junior members of the team
How to find the time and build the skills and confidence to go out and win work/new clients for your firm.

“And if you want the confidence that comes with knowing that you are not relying on rumours but have invested in your personal & professional development.”

The confidence that you have all the resources and tools to work on the things that will actually get you noticed by the partners…

then the Progress to Partner Academy is for YOU.

Tax Director – UK

I really do wish I had signed up with you earlier, but I am delighted that I made the decision to join Progress To Partner Academy! The Managing Partner said I am a hot topic at partner meetings as they have noticed a huge change in my focus and are receiving excellent feedback from their own contacts.”

The partners will notice a high-flying associate or manager who is already showing they know what skills are needed to make partner.

The partners will notice a high-flying associate or manager who is already showing they know what skills are needed to make partner.

Progress to Partner has all the knowledge and advice you need so that you can learn how to think commercially about your firm, not just the work on your desk.

Use Progress to Partner guidebooks, recordings and workbooks to build up your “partner-ready” skills of delegation, leadership, networking and winning work.

As a Basic-level member, you will be able to spend as much time as you like for 12 months

Working through our
Game Plans

Completing the Workbooks

Reading Our Guides

Listening to our recordings (between 3 minute snippets and 50 minute webinars)

If you want to work through the resources in our self-study courses from Day 1, then take a look at our Premium membership level

Game Plan Page Screenshot
Main Dashboard Screenshot

What Others are Saying

Partner – BLM LLP

Thank you very much indeed for your significant help and support – as a result of your guidance I felt incredibly confident in submitting my business plan and then giving my presentation and interview. In the days after the presentation and interview I had some very positive feedback from the partners who interviewed me, saying that my performance was “outstanding” and that my presentation was “very slick and professional” – I doubt it would have been without your advice and guidance. I gained so much confidence from working with you and I am extremely grateful.