Are you sure your Business Case for Partner is strong enough?

Then download my free guide to creating a cast-iron Business Case for Partnership. It will take you step-by-step through the process of creating a Business Case.

No more wondering how to start your Business Case, or what to write.

What’s included in the free guide to creating a Partner Business Case?

In this guide to creating your cast-iron Business Case for partner, you will find an extract from Chapter 11 of Poised for Partnership. This guide takes you through:

What is your Business Case
What do you need to show in your Business Case
A sample or typical format for a Partner Business Case
Common mistakes people make with their Partnership Business Case
How to build up a Business Case if you are non-fee earning
How to create (and why create) a Talk Sheet for your Business Case
The commercial realities of inheriting a Partner’s portfolio
How to build your Business Case if you are in industry

See inside the FREE guide to our Business Case for Partnership guide

What Others are Saying

Partner – BLM LLP

“Thank you very much indeed for your significant help and support – as a result of your guidance, I felt incredibly confident in submitting my business plan and then giving my presentation and interview. In the days after the presentation and interview, I had some very positive feedback from the partners who interviewed me, saying that my performance was “outstanding” and that my presentation was “very slick and professional” – I doubt it would have been without your advice and guidance. I gained so much confidence from working with you, and I am extremely grateful.”