Search Results for: say no

If you want to make partner, put your head above the parapet

If you want to make partner, put your head above the parapet

In our  ‘fast track to partner‘ audio masterclass series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Toni Hunter, George Hay, and Myfanwy Neville, Berg Kaprow Lewis LLP, two young partners who have successfully made the step up from director to partner in their accountancy practices. This was a frank and honest interview, stuffed full with pearls of…

Why do so many professionals live their life by ‘default’?
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Why do so many professionals live their life by ‘default’?

I was working with a group of mainly young accountants yesterday delivering 2 workshops on networking skills. As part of this workshop, I ask them to write down a 5 year career goal. What was interesting that in the discussions, many of my delegates felt that having a 5-10 year career goal was unrealistic, as…

5 steps to help you decide if you are a good fit for partner in your firm

5 steps to help you decide if you are a good fit for partner in your firm

How many of your peers when you started as a trainee or junior wanted to make partner? After all, isn’t that you are expected to do as a new entrant into a professional services firm? Make partner, and achieve the kudos, status and fiscal reward which is perceived to come with the title of ‘partner’….

How to tell your partners that you want to go for partnership

How to tell your partners that you want to go for partnership

It can be hard to tell your partners that you want to go for partnership. You don’t want to come across as pushy or arrogant, or speak out of turn. In my interview with Jo Larbie, my co-author of ‘How to make partner and still have a life’, Jo talks us through how to do…

What does ‘AND have a life’ really mean for you?
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What does ‘AND have a life’ really mean for you?

In the last couple of posts we have been talking about your responsibility to drive your career forward and whether you have actually sat down and thought about what you want from your life and career. Very often in my experience professionals only tend to have clearly defined goals for their career. e.g. “I want to…

Have you sat down and really thought about what you want from your career and life?
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Have you sat down and really thought about what you want from your career and life?

The title of our book is ‘How to make partner AND still have a life’. However, how many of us actually take the time to step back and think about what the ‘AND still have a life’ bit means? We only tend to think about the ‘how to make partner’ – often to the detriment…

A great solution to get your inbox under control
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A great solution to get your inbox under control << highly recommended

How many emails do you get a day? 30? 50? 100+? Actually the volume of emails you receive a day is fairly unimportant, unless it stops you being able to be productive. For example, do you (like me), fall into the bad habits of: Just checking your email regularly to see if anything interesting has…

How to make it easy for people to talk to you on Twitter
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How to make it easy for people to talk to you on Twitter

Many of you will know that I am a massive fan of Twitter, and probably am seen as a bit of a veteran of the medium. I’ve clocked up a few tweets in the last 3+ years and seen one or two things… However, it was brought home to me recently, the importance of engaging…

5 ways to make it easier for you to pick up the phone and make that call – part 2

5 ways to make it easier for you to pick up the phone and make that call – part 2

Yesterday, we started talking about how to make it easy for you to pick up the phone to stay in contact with your network. In this 2nd part of the blog post, we look at ways 3, 4 and 5 to make it easier for you to pick up the phone. 3. Have some standard script…

5 ways to make it easier for you to pick up the phone and make that call – part 1

5 ways to make it easier for you to pick up the phone and make that call – part 1

I was talking with a new client last week, and she explained to me that she wasn’t one of those people who found it easy just to pick up the phone and talk to people – particularly people she had not spoken to in a while. I know that one of the best ways to…

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