3 ways your ‘story’ can help you be more successful
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3 ways your ‘story’ can help you be more successful

If you take a look at my diverse skills set, it’s very difficult at first glance to make sense of it – let alone seem credible for what I do. How does someone with an engineering degree, end up being an executive coach, organisational development consultant, award-winning writer, mother of two young children, business networking…

How to ACE your presentation regardless of who is in the audience
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How to ACE your presentation regardless of who is in the audience

I thought my presentation was going OK, then 1 person killed it at the end. How you can learn from my experience Do some people put you off? Have you ever had to give a presentation and been afraid, or thought that it wasn’t quite hitting the mark? I have found out that it isn’t…

How to choose your Twitter name
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How to choose your Twitter name

I was reading an excellent article by Mark Lee on how accountants should choose their Twitter name.  It also made me think a little further, and I would like to add some more thoughts to the article. Check your firm’s guidelines Before you merrily start chopping and changing your Twitter name, do check your firm’s guidelines…

What should I write in my firm’s blog – and how do I decide what to write?
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What should I write in my firm’s blog – and how do I decide what to write?

8 ideas to help you blog more easily. Blogs help build new business, but many professionals are put off by not being sure of what to write or where to get the ideas from. How often have you heard comments like: “Writing is easy, thinking of ideas takes too long” “Where will I get ideas…

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