This cautionary tale will make you consider your online footprint
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This cautionary tale will make you consider your online footprint

Tips for getting business referrals I’ve written several articles about how you can use social media to boost your reputation and generate referrals.  However, just like your physical image, your online image needs tending and careful grooming. What does your online footprint say about you? Are you aware of how much attention it receives? How much…

4 business development lies you need to stop believing if you are to quickly grow a partner-sized client portfolio
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4 business development lies you need to stop believing if you are to quickly grow a partner-sized client portfolio

When I look at the curriculum of ‘high potential’ programmes in many firms, I can get rather hot under the collar. You may wonder why? Well, they seem to have (at worst) forgotten the fact that their future partners need the skills to win work. Either that or the quality of the business development training…

How to make a strong impactful online presence – without spending your whole life online
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How to make a strong impactful online presence – without spending your whole life online

When people ask me what are the most important chapters in the Go-To Expert, I point them to chapter 3, 4 and 5. I.e. the part of the book where I talk about packaging your brand to make you irresistible to potential clients. Sadly, this part of business development is often missed out by accountants,…

3 rules to find the time to use social media effectively without getting badly distracted
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3 rules to find the time to use social media effectively without getting badly distracted

How to find the time for social media One of the biggest questions I am asked is “how to find the time for social media?”. Indeed I recently spoke at the law society event on social media answering that very question. In The Go-To Expert book, we share many tips on how to use social…

Business Development Clinic: I’ve sorted out my LinkedIn profile, now what?
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Business Development Clinic: I’ve sorted out my LinkedIn profile, now what?

If you’ve created your LinkedIN Profile and are waiting for something to happen next, it’s likely that you won’t see any benefit in being there at all!  There are still many professionals in practice, who are wondering what is the next stage to winning business via LinkedIn. After all, having a decent profile is a…

needs to be rewritten/updated (from 2013) Is your on-line presence hindering your job search? –
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needs to be rewritten/updated (from 2013) Is your on-line presence hindering your job search? –

this needs a good tidy-up and updated info before republishing as a new article Autumn St. John is the content manager for Position Ignite, a website which offers a more inspiring, fun, insightful and creative approach to career support. In this blog post she looks at online reputation management – essential for today’s savvy joined up networkers….

Business Development Clinic: How to deal with negative comments online.
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Business Development Clinic: How to deal with negative comments online.

Jon Baker helps professional service firms grow from 5-50 employees. In this business development clinic, Jon explains how to deal with negative comments online. Many firms and professionals are wary of social media, because they are worried about what may get written – and what will come back to bite them at a later date….

Business Development Clinic: How can I save time with social media?
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Business Development Clinic: How can I save time with social media?

I am often asked about how to effectively use social media, without it taking up too much time. After all, most lawyers, accountants and consultants have chargeable time targets to hit. These targets don’t reduce just because you decide to use social media within your business development mix. In this blog post, I will give…

5 ways to always have something meaningful to say on social media
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5 ways to always have something meaningful to say on social media

In yesterday’s post we looked at a daily routine for you to use on LinkedIn. In this post we are still continuing our theme of how to save time with business development, and we are still looking at ways of doing this with social media. One of the biggest barriers I hear lawyers, accountants and…

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