Search Results for: business development

How to make time for business development and still have a life outside of work
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How to make time for business development and still have a life outside of work

How do you make time for business development when you have a full day – especially if you are a lawyer? As you start to go up the ladder, on the way to making partner, your responsibilities get bigger. And with a full day, how do you ensure that your career still moves forward and…

How to create a daily business development habit even if you are not a natural business developer
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How to create a daily business development habit even if you are not a natural business developer

Business development is often one of those tasks that are put on the back burner; it tends to be left until the end of the day, often getting pushed back until the next day and the next until it falls further down on the list of priorities. Many professionals can go months without completing any…

How to finally make business development a part of your daily routine

How to finally make business development a part of your daily routine

Do you work on business development every day? You’re missing a trick if not! The head of talent at a magic circle law firm stressed the importance of business development in choosing candidates for partner.  She said “if you want to make partner, you have to see business development as part of your day job….

6 crucial choices you need to make to be successful with business development

6 crucial choices you need to make to be successful with business development

If you’re on your way to making partner, thinking about how to win your own clients is one of the main thoughts that is probably on your mind. But have you ever thought about some of the choices that you need to make that could help you with this? This article looks at 6 crucial…

Why we need to banish old fashioned thinking and see that business development has changed over the last 10 years

Why we need to banish old fashioned thinking and see that business development has changed over the last 10 years

Business development, specifically winning business to grow a client portfolio, has changed hugely in the last 10 years. The established rainmakers in your firm, the older partners, will tell you that it hasn’t changed and that tried and tested methods are the way to go today, but they are wrong in thinking this way. The…

3 cracking ways to stop wasting time with business development
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3 cracking ways to stop wasting time with business development

Business development is essential if you are going to grow your own practice to make partner. But many accountants, lawyers and consultants find that business development time waster activities loom large on their to do list. (And that’s if you have the time to do business development in the first place! Are you allowing business…

Use this attitude to get the maximum effectiveness from your business development efforts.
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Use this attitude to get the maximum effectiveness from your business development efforts.

 Over the last 6-12 months, I have been coaching many people who are very new to winning their own clients. Interestingly, they have all suffered from this one attitude problem. Your business development mindset is key to whether you win work or not. This blog post explains what this attitude is and how to get…

4 great tips to create effective business development habits

4 great tips to create effective business development habits

This post is taken from a transcript of one of my recent webinars on “how to win your first client…..and then your second and third”.   You can listen to the section of the recording and view the slides here Heather (HT): Be aware that what we’re suggesting you need to do to start winning your…

Business development advice that harms more than helps
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Business development advice that harms more than helps

Clients often tell me about the business development advice they have had from well-established partners in their firm.  Lots of these tips are spot-on and very helpful. Others are . . . well, we have a chuckle!   Some of the tips I have heard have been at best unhelpful and sometimes actually damaging to…

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10 red flags to watch out for with your business development activities

Are you merrily plodding away at your so-called business development activities? Or have you not achieved much at all in the last few weeks or months?  To check that you’re on the right track, here are 10 brightly waving red flags that are waving to show that you’re in real trouble with your new business…

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