5 foolproof ways to get your staff to take initiative (and why they won’t take it in the first place)
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5 foolproof ways to get your staff to take initiative (and why they won’t take it in the first place)

“Why won’t my staff take initiative?” , “why do they always come to me with any little problem?” , “why do I have to spoonfeed my staff?” These are questions that a lot of managers ask and don’t know the answer to, so this is what this article is all about. How can you encourage…

3 must-dos to successfully hand over your client portfolio to a team member
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3 must-dos to successfully hand over your client portfolio to a team member

To make partner in your law firm, accountancy or consulting firm, you will have to win clients and grow your own book of business. You will also have to let go of clients. I know this sounds crazy but  as you start winning bigger and better clients, at some point you will need to hand…

3 easy but powerful delegation tips for senior associates
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3 easy but powerful delegation tips for senior associates

The challenge that any senior associate faces is how to still maintain their own figures AND make the time to build their own portfolio of clients. One of the best ways of starting to make some time for business development AND strengthening your personal case is delegation to more junior members of the team. The…

4 ways to get everything done before your holiday
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4 ways to get everything done before your holiday

Sometimes, stress levels rise in the week or so before your holiday.   Here are some tips to help you get everything done and to keep things in perspective in the run-up to your much deserved holiday.  1. Prioritise Not everything needs to get done by the end of the week!  Look at what’s on your…

Barriers to firm growth: keeping it all up in your head
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Barriers to firm growth: keeping it all up in your head

For the 1st time ever I was heckled during a keynote speech. I know, it had to happen at some point… but despite my polite acknowledgement, it was a battle I couldn’t win at that point in time. So, what produced the emotion from my delegate? It was the suggestion that if firms are to increase…

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