Search Results for: your niche

What is typically expected of me when I get to manager in a Big 4 or Mid-Tier firm?
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What is typically expected of me when I get to manager in a Big 4 or Mid-Tier firm?

It’s been hard work but you’ve finally made it to a manager or associate role in your firm. In this blog post I share an exclusive extract from the 2nd edition of ‘How to make partner and still have a life’  to show what is typically expected from you when you become a manager or…

What I wish every talented professional knew about personal branding
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What I wish every talented professional knew about personal branding

I regularly speak to audiences of lawyers, accountants and consultants about the challenges of making partner. In my talks I often share the ten lessons that my clients have learnt along their journeys to make partner. In this blog post I am going to share the fourth lesson, create a strong, personal brand. It can…

How to grow a £2 million-sized practice within 2 years

How to grow a £2 million-sized practice within 2 years

I was recently asked for advice on how to win new clients. But not just win new clients, but grow a £2 million-sized practice within 2 years to justify a partner business case. Whilst the title of the blog post may seem very far-fetched, there are firms who want their potential new partners to have…


WANT MORE OF YOUR OWN CLIENTS? Then download our ebook “The reluctant business developer’s guide to winning clients” by the author of The Go-To Expert. You’ll discover the: 5Ps to create time for business development 3 simple tests to find your lucrative niche How to get back in touch with people who you have lost contact…

When is the right time to become a specialist?
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When is the right time to become a specialist?

When should I specialise? The challenge for any lawyer, accountant or consultant in practice is when to specialise. (Not if they need to!) Do it too soon and you don’t get the broad base of technical and commercial skills you need. Do it too late and you will struggle to build your own practice. The…

3 ways to stop feeling daunted by business development
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3 ways to stop feeling daunted by business development

I have been coaching a partner in a large accountancy practice who confessed to me that he was feeling daunted about the marketing plans we were drawing up. You could say, he wanted to become more confident at business development. His reaction is not unusual, in fact, I’d say, his reaction was fairly common. Firstly,…

Business Development Clinic: How can I win more personal tax clients?
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Business Development Clinic: How can I win more personal tax clients?

This was an interesting and pretty short question which landed in my inbox recently. I thought it may be useful to share my reply here in a blog post. Whilst you may not be after personal tax clients, the same questions and process holds true regardless of the type of clients you want to attract….

Business Development Clinic: How do I help my partners embrace different ways of marketing?
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Business Development Clinic: How do I help my partners embrace different ways of marketing?

In this week’s business development clinic, Heather Townsend answers a knotty problem. How to change the way your practice markets itself? i.e. how to make your partners sit up and take notice of some of the newer and more effective marketing practices now available? This is not an unusual problem – and I see it…

Business Development Clinic: How can I make myself more memorable at networking events
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Business Development Clinic: How can I make myself more memorable at networking events

I often run workshops on ‘working the room’ and I am always being asked how to make myself more memorable at networking events. In this business development clinic post, I share 4 ways of helping you be more memorable when working the room. Help people remember your name When you introduce yourself, say your first…

7 mindset shifts you will need to make to be known as a rainmaker

This is taken from a transcription of our recent webinar “How to become a rainmaker when you are known as a great technician”. John Moss discussed the mindset shifts you will need to make to become known as a rainmaker. John Moss (JM): I’m always hesitant when we start to talk about this, I think…

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