Search Results for: making partner

How to pick yourself up if you are unsuccessful in the partnership admissions vote
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How to pick yourself up if you are unsuccessful in the partnership admissions vote

“We regret to inform you that you were unsuccessful in the partnership admissions vote…” If you are reading this article because you have just been told you are not going to make partner this time around, I feel for you. Whether you expected it or not, it’s a blow to the ego and I’m guessing…

How do I become a partner at the Big 4? The definitive guide
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How do I become a partner at the Big 4? The definitive guide

You’ll be expected to earn the rewards of partnership You should now be getting a good idea of how to make partner at a Big 4 firm. There’s plenty more on our website, so take time to read further. Having started you off, it would be remiss of me not to mention the amount of…

How do I become a partner at the Big 4? The 5 must-dos
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How do I become a partner at the Big 4? The 5 must-dos

How do I become partner at a Big 4 firm? This is the big question! Making partner is often seen as the pinnacle of achievement for any accountant or consultant; a title that many strive for throughout their whole career. Like most of the partner track, however, knowing how to get there seems to be…

I want to make partner. Where do I start?
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I want to make partner. Where do I start?

Wouldn’t everything be much easier if your partners gave you clear guidance on what you actually need to do to make partner? Rather than the often conflicting and vague advice such as ‘just win more business.’ That’s really not helpful at all, is it? To help you overturn that reality when on the partner track,…

How to find the time to progress through your Partner Track Plan
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How to find the time to progress through your Partner Track Plan

View Post It is your responsibility to drive your own development and career, not your firm’s. If you want to make Partner, you need to create your Partner Track Plan and you need to find the time to progress through it. To help you make the time for your career development, no matter how busy…

How to act, think and feel like a partner: 10 ways to strengthen your personal case for partnership

How to act, think and feel like a partner: 10 ways to strengthen your personal case for partnership

You may be crushing it as a senior fee earner, but making partner is not about just being a strong performing senior associate, manager or director. Your partners want to see you demonstrate that you are already working at the level expected of a partner at your firm! To be considered for partnership when the…

How to be seen as ‘partner ready’ by becoming a member of the club
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How to be seen as ‘partner ready’ by becoming a member of the club

Shouldn’t the best candidate for partnership always get to partner? While the obvious answer is yes, that isn’t always the reality. It is fairly common to hear about partners sitting around the table, openly acknowledging that a candidate has a very strong Business Case, will credibly lead their part of the firm, and is very…

What changes when you make partner and how to prepare for them
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What changes when you make partner and how to prepare for them

*This blog is an excerpt from chapter 2 of the 3rd edition of Poised for Partnership. This chapter focuses on ‘Direction’ and helps you to work out whether partnership is right for you and if it is really what you want. Download the full chapter for free here. Far too many professionals see making partner as…

How early should I start preparing for partnership?
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How early should I start preparing for partnership?

“How early should I start preparing for partnership?” is a question that I get asked by lawyers, accountants, and consultants very often. “I want to make partner in the next 12 months” is also something I hear, but more on that later. While it is possible to make it through the Partnership Admission Process within…

Partnership admissions process: what is involved?
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Partnership admissions process: what is involved?

The partnership admission process is shrouded in mystery. What is the process? What actually happens at an assessment centre? Is it the same in every firm? While this mystique helps to keep this esteemed partner image behind the curtain, the problem with mystery is that it often elicits fear. How can you prepare for something…

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